Blwyddyn 3 & 4


Dyma dudalen dosbarthiadau Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.

Here is Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr and Mr Humphreys' page.




Croeso i Flwyddyn 3/4,

Y tymor bydd ein gwaith yn seiliedig ar y llyfr 'My Friend Walter'.

 Anogir disgyblion bob amser i ofyn cwestiynau a bydd ein sesiynau'n hyblyg ac yn canolbwyntio ar y disgybl.


Pethau i’w cofio:

  • Nid oes angen cas pensiliau ar y disgyblion gan fod gennym bopeth sydd ei angen arnynt yn yr ysgol er y gall disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ddod ag un os dymunant. Rhaid i ddisgyblion gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu cas pensiliau eu hunain.

  • Nid oes angen iddynt ddod â phethau diangen fel teganau, arian neu gardiau masnachu fel ‘Top Trumps’ chwaith.

  • Bydd disgyblion yn cael eu neilltuo i ystafelloedd dosbarth Google newydd trwy HWB. Bydd tasgau gwaith cartref, adnoddau a negeseuon dosbarth yn cael eu postio yn ystafelloedd dosbarth Google.

  • Awgrymwn fod y disgyblion yn gwisgo eu dillad Addysg Gorfforol i'r ysgol ar y diwrnodau maent yn cael gwersi AG. Dylai disgyblion wisgo pâr o siorts/‘leggings’ du (neu dywyll), crys-t plaen gwyn neu goch (mae eu crys polo ysgol yn iawn) a'u siwmper ysgol goch. Mewn tywydd oerach gall trowsus tracwisg fod yn fwy priodol. Mae pâr addas o dreinyrs yn hanfodol.

  • Bydd llyfrau darllen yn cael eu hanfon adref bob wythnos. Sicrhewch fod y llyfrau'n cael eu dychwelyd ar y diwrnod priodol bob wythnos a bod gwaith cartref yn cael ei gwblhau o fewn yr amser a neilltuwyd. Hefyd, helpwch y disgyblion i ddysgu'r sillafu a roddir iddynt bob wythnos.



Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Welcome to Year 3/4,

This term our work will be based on the book 'My Friend Walter'..

At all times pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and our sessions will be flexible and pupil centred. 


Some things to remember:-

  • The pupils don’t need a pencil case as we have everything they need in school although Year 5&6 pupils may bring one if they wish. Pupils must take full responsibility for their own pencil case.

  • They don’t need to bring unnecessary things like toys, money or trading cards like ‘Top Trumps’ either.

  • Pupils will be assigned to new Google classrooms through their HWB accounts. Homework tasks, resources and class messages will be posted in the Google classrooms.

  • We ask that the pupils wear their P.E. kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. Pupils should wear a black (or dark) pair of shorts/leggings, a plain white or red t-shirt (their school polo shirt is fine) and their red school jumper. In colder weather tracksuit bottoms may be more appropriate. A suitable pair of trainers are essential.

  • Reading books will be sent home each week. Please ensure that the books are returned on the appropriate day each week and homework is completed within the time allotted. Also, please help the pupils to learn the spellings they will be given each week.



Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Blwyddyn 3 & 4


Dyma dudalen dosbarthiadau Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.

Here is Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr and Mr Humphreys' page.




Croeso i Flwyddyn 3/4,

Y tymor bydd ein gwaith yn seiliedig ar y llyfr 'My Friend Walter'.

 Anogir disgyblion bob amser i ofyn cwestiynau a bydd ein sesiynau'n hyblyg ac yn canolbwyntio ar y disgybl.


Pethau i’w cofio:

  • Nid oes angen cas pensiliau ar y disgyblion gan fod gennym bopeth sydd ei angen arnynt yn yr ysgol er y gall disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ddod ag un os dymunant. Rhaid i ddisgyblion gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu cas pensiliau eu hunain.

  • Nid oes angen iddynt ddod â phethau diangen fel teganau, arian neu gardiau masnachu fel ‘Top Trumps’ chwaith.

  • Bydd disgyblion yn cael eu neilltuo i ystafelloedd dosbarth Google newydd trwy HWB. Bydd tasgau gwaith cartref, adnoddau a negeseuon dosbarth yn cael eu postio yn ystafelloedd dosbarth Google.

  • Awgrymwn fod y disgyblion yn gwisgo eu dillad Addysg Gorfforol i'r ysgol ar y diwrnodau maent yn cael gwersi AG. Dylai disgyblion wisgo pâr o siorts/‘leggings’ du (neu dywyll), crys-t plaen gwyn neu goch (mae eu crys polo ysgol yn iawn) a'u siwmper ysgol goch. Mewn tywydd oerach gall trowsus tracwisg fod yn fwy priodol. Mae pâr addas o dreinyrs yn hanfodol.

  • Bydd llyfrau darllen yn cael eu hanfon adref bob wythnos. Sicrhewch fod y llyfrau'n cael eu dychwelyd ar y diwrnod priodol bob wythnos a bod gwaith cartref yn cael ei gwblhau o fewn yr amser a neilltuwyd. Hefyd, helpwch y disgyblion i ddysgu'r sillafu a roddir iddynt bob wythnos.



Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Welcome to Year 3/4,

This term our work will be based on the book 'My Friend Walter'..

At all times pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and our sessions will be flexible and pupil centred. 


Some things to remember:-

  • The pupils don’t need a pencil case as we have everything they need in school although Year 5&6 pupils may bring one if they wish. Pupils must take full responsibility for their own pencil case.

  • They don’t need to bring unnecessary things like toys, money or trading cards like ‘Top Trumps’ either.

  • Pupils will be assigned to new Google classrooms through their HWB accounts. Homework tasks, resources and class messages will be posted in the Google classrooms.

  • We ask that the pupils wear their P.E. kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. Pupils should wear a black (or dark) pair of shorts/leggings, a plain white or red t-shirt (their school polo shirt is fine) and their red school jumper. In colder weather tracksuit bottoms may be more appropriate. A suitable pair of trainers are essential.

  • Reading books will be sent home each week. Please ensure that the books are returned on the appropriate day each week and homework is completed within the time allotted. Also, please help the pupils to learn the spellings they will be given each week.



Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Blwyddyn 3 & 4


Dyma dudalen dosbarthiadau Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.

Here is Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr and Mr Humphreys' page.




Croeso i Flwyddyn 3/4,

Y tymor bydd ein gwaith yn seiliedig ar y llyfr 'My Friend Walter'.

 Anogir disgyblion bob amser i ofyn cwestiynau a bydd ein sesiynau'n hyblyg ac yn canolbwyntio ar y disgybl.


Pethau i’w cofio:

  • Nid oes angen cas pensiliau ar y disgyblion gan fod gennym bopeth sydd ei angen arnynt yn yr ysgol er y gall disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ddod ag un os dymunant. Rhaid i ddisgyblion gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu cas pensiliau eu hunain.

  • Nid oes angen iddynt ddod â phethau diangen fel teganau, arian neu gardiau masnachu fel ‘Top Trumps’ chwaith.

  • Bydd disgyblion yn cael eu neilltuo i ystafelloedd dosbarth Google newydd trwy HWB. Bydd tasgau gwaith cartref, adnoddau a negeseuon dosbarth yn cael eu postio yn ystafelloedd dosbarth Google.

  • Awgrymwn fod y disgyblion yn gwisgo eu dillad Addysg Gorfforol i'r ysgol ar y diwrnodau maent yn cael gwersi AG. Dylai disgyblion wisgo pâr o siorts/‘leggings’ du (neu dywyll), crys-t plaen gwyn neu goch (mae eu crys polo ysgol yn iawn) a'u siwmper ysgol goch. Mewn tywydd oerach gall trowsus tracwisg fod yn fwy priodol. Mae pâr addas o dreinyrs yn hanfodol.

  • Bydd llyfrau darllen yn cael eu hanfon adref bob wythnos. Sicrhewch fod y llyfrau'n cael eu dychwelyd ar y diwrnod priodol bob wythnos a bod gwaith cartref yn cael ei gwblhau o fewn yr amser a neilltuwyd. Hefyd, helpwch y disgyblion i ddysgu'r sillafu a roddir iddynt bob wythnos.



Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Welcome to Year 3/4,

This term our work will be based on the book 'My Friend Walter'..

At all times pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and our sessions will be flexible and pupil centred. 


Some things to remember:-

  • The pupils don’t need a pencil case as we have everything they need in school although Year 5&6 pupils may bring one if they wish. Pupils must take full responsibility for their own pencil case.

  • They don’t need to bring unnecessary things like toys, money or trading cards like ‘Top Trumps’ either.

  • Pupils will be assigned to new Google classrooms through their HWB accounts. Homework tasks, resources and class messages will be posted in the Google classrooms.

  • We ask that the pupils wear their P.E. kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. Pupils should wear a black (or dark) pair of shorts/leggings, a plain white or red t-shirt (their school polo shirt is fine) and their red school jumper. In colder weather tracksuit bottoms may be more appropriate. A suitable pair of trainers are essential.

  • Reading books will be sent home each week. Please ensure that the books are returned on the appropriate day each week and homework is completed within the time allotted. Also, please help the pupils to learn the spellings they will be given each week.



Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Blwyddyn 3 & 4


Dyma dudalen dosbarthiadau Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.

Here is Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr and Mr Humphreys' page.




Croeso i Flwyddyn 3/4,

Y tymor bydd ein gwaith yn seiliedig ar y llyfr 'My Friend Walter'.

 Anogir disgyblion bob amser i ofyn cwestiynau a bydd ein sesiynau'n hyblyg ac yn canolbwyntio ar y disgybl.


Pethau i’w cofio:

  • Nid oes angen cas pensiliau ar y disgyblion gan fod gennym bopeth sydd ei angen arnynt yn yr ysgol er y gall disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ddod ag un os dymunant. Rhaid i ddisgyblion gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu cas pensiliau eu hunain.

  • Nid oes angen iddynt ddod â phethau diangen fel teganau, arian neu gardiau masnachu fel ‘Top Trumps’ chwaith.

  • Bydd disgyblion yn cael eu neilltuo i ystafelloedd dosbarth Google newydd trwy HWB. Bydd tasgau gwaith cartref, adnoddau a negeseuon dosbarth yn cael eu postio yn ystafelloedd dosbarth Google.

  • Awgrymwn fod y disgyblion yn gwisgo eu dillad Addysg Gorfforol i'r ysgol ar y diwrnodau maent yn cael gwersi AG. Dylai disgyblion wisgo pâr o siorts/‘leggings’ du (neu dywyll), crys-t plaen gwyn neu goch (mae eu crys polo ysgol yn iawn) a'u siwmper ysgol goch. Mewn tywydd oerach gall trowsus tracwisg fod yn fwy priodol. Mae pâr addas o dreinyrs yn hanfodol.

  • Bydd llyfrau darllen yn cael eu hanfon adref bob wythnos. Sicrhewch fod y llyfrau'n cael eu dychwelyd ar y diwrnod priodol bob wythnos a bod gwaith cartref yn cael ei gwblhau o fewn yr amser a neilltuwyd. Hefyd, helpwch y disgyblion i ddysgu'r sillafu a roddir iddynt bob wythnos.



Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.


Welcome to Year 3/4,

This term our work will be based on the book 'My Friend Walter'..

At all times pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and our sessions will be flexible and pupil centred. 


Some things to remember:-

  • The pupils don’t need a pencil case as we have everything they need in school although Year 5&6 pupils may bring one if they wish. Pupils must take full responsibility for their own pencil case.

  • They don’t need to bring unnecessary things like toys, money or trading cards like ‘Top Trumps’ either.

  • Pupils will be assigned to new Google classrooms through their HWB accounts. Homework tasks, resources and class messages will be posted in the Google classrooms.

  • We ask that the pupils wear their P.E. kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. Pupils should wear a black (or dark) pair of shorts/leggings, a plain white or red t-shirt (their school polo shirt is fine) and their red school jumper. In colder weather tracksuit bottoms may be more appropriate. A suitable pair of trainers are essential.

  • Reading books will be sent home each week. Please ensure that the books are returned on the appropriate day each week and homework is completed within the time allotted. Also, please help the pupils to learn the spellings they will be given each week.



Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Torr a Mr Humphreys.